Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Expert Killing Machines

Great white shark teeth
The teeth of the great white are perfectly designed for slashing flesh and mortally wounding prey with a minimum of effort. If a tooth is lost during an attack, another quickly grows forward to replace it.

Great white sharks have a number of adaptations (behaviors and anatomical features) that make them such efficient killers:

For sensing - specialized sensory organs called ampullae of Lorenzini located in the shark's snout, which can detect electrical currents of as little as .005 millivolts that are generated by every living creature in the water

Extremely acute and sensitive sense of smell, allowing the great white to detect the most miniscule amounts of blood in the water up to 5km away - blood means injured victim = less effort required for the meal (Efficiency!)

For stalking - the coloring of the great white makes for excellent camouflage in the ocean - dark above, and light below makes it difficult to be detected while swimming on the bottom (great whites strike from below)

For striking - a large, powerful body and specially designed tail that provides for enormous bursts of energy for striking with such tremendous strength that the first bite is frequently a death blow

Several rows of razor sharp teeth that are continually replaced to ensure an entire jaw of efficient, lacerating implements

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