Friday, October 3, 2008

Plum Headed Parakeet

Plum Headed Parakeet
DESCRIPTION 13!/2 to 15 inches (33 to 37.5cm). Male green with plum-coloured head, black neck ring, bluish-green band on nape, brown-red shoulder spot. Inner tail bluish-green, outer green with pale yellow tips. Eyes brown, beak yellowish-white, legs greyish-brown. In the hen red shoulder marks missing, neck band lighter and greyish-purple. Young birds reach adult colours after two years, young males resemble females.
NATURAL DISTRIBUTION India, western Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, west Bengal and Sri Lanka, in two subspecies.
HABITAT Jungles, cultivated areas, forests at elevations up to 4,200 feet (1,300m) in vicinity of cultivated plains. Swarms in orchards and wheat fields. Nests in tree hollows or holes in walls in multiple pairs as community.

DIET Grain mixes for large parrots, fruit, green food.
SPECIAL NEEDS Breeding successful only when couple have aviary to themselves. Aviary at least 6 feet (2m) long, with frost-free protected area.
CAGE LIFE Tolerable voice, gets on with small birds. Before breeding, cover bottom of nest box (8 X 8 X 12 inches/20 X 20 X 30cm, entrance diameter 3 inches/8cm) with wood chips and sawdust. Male begins to court in late winter, sings and runs back and forth in front of female. Lays 2 to 6 eggs, incubation 21 to 23 days by the female, fledging 49 days. Male feeds hen during breeding cycle.

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