Friday, October 3, 2008

African Grey Parrot

DESCRIPTION 13 to 14 inches (33 to 36cm). Body dove-grey with lighter grey unfeathered face, red tail and under coverts, yellow eyes (round in male, oblong in female), black beak, charcoal legs. Female smaller in head, beak and body, and lighter on underside. Immature iris black, changes to grey.


HABITAT Forests, savannah, mangroves, often in large flocks up to 5,000. Chooses tall trees to sleep in at night. Breeds in loose colonies, each pair occupying its own tree. Loves to shower in the rain.

DIET Parrot food, nuts, grains, fruit and greenstuff.
SPECIALNEEDS Check newly imported African Grey Parrots for bacterial infections, especially salmonella. Males won't breed until second or third year, females fifth or sixth.
CAGE LIFE African Grey Parrots are a renowned cage bird, affectionate. Probably the best talking parrot, with remarkable talent for mimicry, but not noisy. May be a 'growler'. An agitated African Grey Parrot will oscillate pupils and raise nape feathers. Intelligent and sensitive nature makes it susceptible to vice of feather plucking, which can become a habit.

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