Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wild Birds

Attracting birds is much easier than you might imagine, just think as you were a bird, why would you visit your yard?... yes, you are looking for food, but once you eat the free food you still need a place to get a drink and take a bath. You also need great hiding places, safe nesting spots, and no predators.

Wild birds (Click to enlarge)

Wild birds

Many birds will nest in man-made bird houses. Purple Martins houses may look like a hotel and hold up to 40 pair at a time! Bluebirds are making a big comeback in the eastern U.S., thanks to people who put up so many nest boxes that they call them "Bluebird Trails". Woodpeckers will nest in your yard if you don't cut down trees when they die (leave the snags standing for the birds).

You could also plant certain flowers, shrubs and trees, so you can attract specific birds. Hummingbirds are especially attracted to flowering plants. You don't need a huge yard. A few flowerpots on the windowsill might work.

There are a huge variety of wild birds, the most popular ones are described in the following list: Anhinga, Bittern, Blackbird, Bluebird, Cardinal, Chickadee, Coot, Cormorant, Cowbird, Curlew, Dipper, Dove, Duck, Eagle, Egret, Falcon, Finch, Flicker, Geese, Grackle, Gull, Hawk, Heron, Hummingbird, Ibis, Junco, Kingbird, Kingfisher, Magpie, Mockingbird, Nutcracker, Oriole, Owls, Pelican, Pheasant, Robin, Sapsucker, Sparrow, Titmouse, Warbler and Woodpecker.

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