Monday, September 1, 2008

30lbs African Catfish caught on 5 lbs. line:)

Hartebeespoort dam.

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Yellow fish caught on fly in Vaalriver.

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Carp 30 lbs.

Roodeplaat dam.

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A 22 lbs. Carp caught on a jig by Alain Hosli 12 yr. old out of the float tube.

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One nights fishing 12 fish between 15 and 22 lbs. caught on boilies

Caught at Roodeplaat dam Gauteng

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Forever the most productive way to catch the species above, is off the boat. LTB in S.A is very popular because the amounts of fish caught off boats is by far more than for instance fishing off the shore. Bags of more than 300lbs per person in a 8 hour session is not uncommon. Carp and Catfish makes up the bulk of the catches

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